Nebraska Bicycle Laws

Bicycle Laws in the State of Nebraska

The following is a summary of bicycle laws in Nebraska. This is not an inclusive listing of laws for bicyclists. For more details, see Nebraska Revised Statutes §60-611, §60-680, §60-6,177, §60-6,142-144, and §60-6,314-319. Local authorities may have additional regulations within their jurisdictions.

In Nebraska, bicyclists are required to follow the same rules of the road as motorists. A bicyclist riding on a highway generally has all of the rights of a vehicle and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle (some exceptions do exist).  Parents or guardians are responsible for the actions of children under the age of 16.

Restricted Highways (Interstate & Freeway)
Bicyclists are not allowed to ride on interstate highways or freeways in Nebraska (a freeway is defined as a fully access controlled highway with “no” at-grade crossings).

Mandatory Side Path Law
Nebraska has a mandatory side path law that states that you should not ride your bicycle on the highway if a usable bikepath is adjacent. This does not apply when riding on surface (paved) shoulders.

Equipment on Bicycles
● Have brakes that can stop your bicycle within 25 feet at 10 mph. (based on ideal conditions)
● Have a red reflector on the rear of your bike when riding at night. (City of Lincoln requires a rear red light)
● Have an attached light on the front of your bike for night riding.
● Have side reflectors on your bicycle wheels when riding at night.
● Have reflectors on your pedals (or shoes) when riding at night.

State Patrol Advice
Although Nebraska has laws that require reflectors and a light on bicycles for riding at night, the Nebraska State Patrol does not recommend riding a bicycle on rural state highways at night due to the higher speeds and reduced visibility.
